Benefits Of Having A Handmade Travel Journals
What is a Travel Journal?
A Handmade Travel Journals is a place to write about your travels, plan trips and travel schedules, keep travel memories and memorabilia such as postcards, photos, maps, wrappers, tickets and other items that remind you of your travels. You can also use it to keep your important travel documents and travel itinerary.
Why Write a Handmade Travel Journal?
Keeping a travel journal is a great way to preserve your memories, reflect on your travel experience and learn more about yourself. Traveling can be hectic at times and bring up a lot of different emotions and feelings.
Taking time to slow down and be present in the moment, by writing in your travel journal, can help you to recenter yourself, practice mindfulness and de-stress. Travel journaling is a way to remember the smaller details on your trip, such as the name of a favorite food that you ate, your feelings when you visited a certain place, or someone that you met on your travels.
Writing in a travel journal will also help you to become more observant and present in your travels, as you take notice of things to include in your journal.
How to Start a Travel Journal:
There are many ways to keep a travel journal! The best way to get started is to set your intentions for your travel journal and ask yourself what you would like to use it for. You may like to use it to help you plan your trip and include pre-trip research, bucket lists, maps and your travel itinerary.
You can also use your Handmade Travel Journals like a diary and write a page a day with the date and location, to record your memories, feelings and places that you visited. A travel journal is also a great place to sketch what you see and collage your photos, tickets and found items from your trip. You can also use your travel journal as a space to unwind and reduce stress from a busy day of new sights, sounds, people, navigating and problem solving!